This is the list of bugs that have been identified and corrected in the code "KDISTRIBUTION", along with the other modifications that have been brought to the code. ======================= Version 1.0.0 2008/02/22: opening this file. ======================= Version 1.0.1 2008/12/08: + corrected: an out-of-bounds array bug. + added: the possibility to use a cubic spline interpolation between points of the hi-resolution spectrum 2009/09/11: + corrected: detection of array overflow when reading kspectrum output files. 2009/09/16: + added: description of inputs/outputs in a lot of routines ======================= Version 1.0.2 2009/10/05 + modified: production of quadrature abscissas and weights for main quadrature methods (Gauss, Jacobi). 2009/10/19: + modified: "read_band" routine. ======================= Version 1.0.3 + modified: using d(k)/d(P), d(k)/d(T) and d(k)/d(x) information in order to compute sensitivities of k-distribution data sets to pressure, temperature and chemical species concentrations. ======================= Version 1.0.4 2010/02/22 + modified: the routine that reads k(nu) to take into account the new format used by kspectrum. ======================= Version 1.0.5 2010/03/03 + modified: the routine that read composition files, to take into account changes made in kspectrum.